This was made in the course Customer Driven Project where our customer was Oracle. They wanted a debugging tool
to monitor the memory usage during query execution to determine why some queries have long runtimes.
This project is made with electron with flame graph and recharts for data visualization
This is a little portfolio project I did for my friend Ola Kassen, who is a vfx artist and a music video producer.
This project is made with plain html, css and javascript, where I focused on making extremely simple to edit.
You can check out his website here.
This project was made with Angular where the purpose was to use and manipulate the data from a REST api.
This project takes the movie information that is gathered through the REST api and projects their thumbnails in an orderly fashion.
In addition the website allows the user to sort through the list of movies by categories or through a search bar, and also give more information
about the movie by clicking on the corresponding thumbnail.
This is an android app written in Kotlin.
Modifiability, usability and performance are important architectural tactics in this project, which was achieved by reducing the size of each module,
decreasing coupling and caching
The most important architectural pattern that is used in this project is the Model-View-Controller. And this project also involves a
number of design patterns like singleton- observer-, state pattern and dependency injection.
This is a party game where the phone is passed around and each player will take turns to guess or draw a specific word.